Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- newtype IOE e a = UnsafeIOE (UnsafeIO a)
- class (Monad m, Exception e) => MonadRunIOE e m | m -> e where
- class MonadRunIOE e m => MonadRunAsIOE e m | m -> e where
- withRunAsIOE :: ((forall a. m a -> IOE e a) -> IOE e b) -> m b
- type IO = IOE SomeSyncException
- type MonadRunIO = MonadRunIOE SomeSyncException
- type MonadRunAsIO = MonadRunAsIOE SomeSyncException
- runIO :: MonadRunIO m => IO a -> m a
- withRunAsIO :: MonadRunAsIO m => ((forall a. m a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> m b
- type UIO = IOE Void
- type MonadRunUIO = MonadRunIOE Void
- type MonadRunAsUIO = MonadRunAsIOE Void
- runUIO :: MonadRunIOE e m => UIO a -> m a
- withRunAsUIO :: MonadRunAsUIO m => ((forall a. m a -> UIO a) -> UIO b) -> m b
- fromUIO :: forall e m a. MonadRunIOE e m => UIO (Either e a) -> m a
- fromUIOWith :: forall e1 e2 m a. MonadRunIOE e2 m => (e1 -> e2) -> UIO (Either e1 a) -> m a
- uioToIO :: (Exception e, MonadRunIO m) => UIO (Either e a) -> m a
- throw :: MonadRunIOE e m => e -> m a
- throwTo :: (Exception e, MonadRunIOE e' m) => ThreadId -> e -> m ()
- throwImprecise :: Exception e => e -> a
- catch :: forall e1 e2 a. (Exception e1, Exception e2) => IOE e1 a -> (e1 -> IOE e2 a) -> IOE e2 a
- catchAny :: forall e1 e2 a. (Exception e1, Exception e2) => IOE e1 a -> (AnyException e1 -> IOE e2 a) -> IOE e2 a
- try :: forall e1 e2 a. (Exception e1, Exception e2) => IOE e1 a -> IOE e2 (Either e1 a)
- mapExceptionM :: forall e1 e2 m1 m2 a. (MonadCatchIO e1 m1, MonadRunAsIOE e2 m2) => (e1 -> e2) -> m1 a -> m2 a
- liftE :: forall e m1 m2 a. (MonadCatchIO e m1, MonadRunAsIO m2) => m1 a -> m2 a
- evaluate :: MonadRunIOE e m => a -> m a
- bracket :: Exception e => IOE e a -> (a -> IOE e b) -> (a -> IOE e c) -> IOE e c
- bracket_ :: Exception e => IOE e a -> IOE e b -> IOE e c -> IOE e c
- bracketOnError :: (Exception e, Exception e') => IOE e a -> (a -> IOE e' b) -> (a -> IOE e c) -> IOE e c
- bracketOnError_ :: (Exception e, Exception e') => IOE e a -> IOE e' b -> IOE e c -> IOE e c
- finally :: Exception e => IOE e a -> IOE e b -> IOE e a
- onException :: (Exception e, Exception e') => IOE e a -> IOE e' b -> IOE e a
- withException :: (Exception e, Exception e') => IOE e a -> (AnyException e -> IOE e' b) -> IOE e a
- mask :: Exception e => ((forall e' a. Exception e' => IOE e' a -> IOE e' a) -> IOE e b) -> IOE e b
- uninterruptibleMask :: Exception e => ((forall e' a. Exception e' => IOE e' a -> IOE e' a) -> IOE e b) -> IOE e b
- mask_ :: Exception e => IOE e a -> IOE e a
- uninterruptibleMask_ :: Exception e => IOE e a -> IOE e a
- class (MonadRunAsIOE e m, Exception e) => MonadCatchIO e m | m -> e where
- catchM :: MonadRunAsIOE e' m' => m a -> (e -> m' a) -> m' a
- catchAnyM :: MonadRunAsIOE e' m' => m a -> (AnyException e -> m' a) -> m' a
- tryM :: (MonadCatchIO e m1, MonadRunIOE e' m2) => m1 a -> m2 (Either e a)
- bracketM :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c) -> m c
- bracketM_ :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> m b -> m c -> m c
- bracketOnErrorM :: (MonadCatchIO e m, MonadCatchIO e' m') => m a -> (a -> m' b) -> (a -> m c) -> m c
- bracketOnErrorM_ :: (MonadCatchIO e m, MonadCatchIO e' m') => m a -> m' b -> m c -> m c
- finallyM :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> m b -> m a
- onExceptionM :: (MonadCatchIO e m, MonadCatchIO e' m') => m a -> m' b -> m a
- withExceptionM :: (MonadCatchIO e m, MonadCatchIO e' m') => m a -> (AnyException e -> m' b) -> m a
- maskM :: MonadCatchIO e m => ((forall m' e' a. MonadCatchIO e' m' => m' a -> m' a) -> m b) -> m b
- uninterruptibleMaskM :: MonadCatchIO e m => ((forall m' e' a. MonadCatchIO e' m' => m' a -> m' a) -> m b) -> m b
- maskM_ :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> m a
- uninterruptibleMaskM_ :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> m a
- type Main = UnsafeIO ()
- type UnsafeIO = IO
- checkIO :: MonadRunIO m => UnsafeIO a -> m a
- checkIOWith :: MonadRunIOE e m => (SomeException -> e) -> UnsafeIO a -> m a
- checkUIOWith :: MonadRunIOE e' m => (SomeException -> e) -> UnsafeIO a -> m (Either e a)
- unsafeCheckIO :: (HasCallStack, MonadRunIOE e m) => UnsafeIO a -> m a
- unsafeCheckUIO :: (HasCallStack, MonadRunIOE e m) => UnsafeIO a -> m a
- uncheckIOE :: forall e a. Exception e => IOE e a -> UnsafeIO a
- uncheckUIO :: UIO a -> UnsafeIO a
- data AnyException e
- data SomeSyncException = forall e.Exception e => SomeSyncException e
IOE: Checked IO with exceptions
A checked IO action that can only throw synchronous exceptions of the given type.
Morally equivalent to UIO (Either e a)
, but implemented without
the Either
for performance.
Exception e => MonadCatchIO e (IOE e) Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core Methods catchM :: MonadRunAsIOE e' m' => IOE e a -> (e -> m' a) -> m' a Source # catchAnyM :: MonadRunAsIOE e' m' => IOE e a -> (AnyException e -> m' a) -> m' a Source # | |
Exception e => MonadRunAsIOE e (IOE e) Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core | |
Exception e => MonadRunIOE e (IOE e) Source # | |
Applicative (IOE e) Source # | |
Functor (IOE e) Source # | |
Monad (IOE e) Source # | |
class (Monad m, Exception e) => MonadRunIOE e m | m -> e where Source #
class MonadRunIOE e m => MonadRunAsIOE e m | m -> e where Source #
Provide a function for running an action in the given monad in IOE
Instances must satisfy the following laws:
- Identity
withRunAsIOE (\run -> run m) === m
- Inverse
withRunAsIOE (\_ -> m) === runIOE m
withRunAsIOE :: ((forall a. m a -> IOE e a) -> IOE e b) -> m b Source #
Exception e => MonadRunAsIOE e (IOE e) Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core |
IO convenience type
type IO = IOE SomeSyncException Source #
A helper containing any synchronous exception.
type MonadRunIO = MonadRunIOE SomeSyncException Source #
specialized to IO
type MonadRunAsIO = MonadRunAsIOE SomeSyncException Source #
specialized to IO
withRunAsIO :: MonadRunAsIO m => ((forall a. m a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> m b Source #
specialized to IO
UIO convenience type
type MonadRunUIO = MonadRunIOE Void Source #
type MonadRunAsUIO = MonadRunAsIOE Void Source #
runUIO :: MonadRunIOE e m => UIO a -> m a Source #
withRunAsUIO :: MonadRunAsUIO m => ((forall a. m a -> UIO a) -> UIO b) -> m b Source #
fromUIO :: forall e m a. MonadRunIOE e m => UIO (Either e a) -> m a Source #
Convert UIO (Either e a)
to IOE e a
(or any other monad
with a MonadRunIOE
fromUIO m = runUIO m >>= either throw pure
fromUIOWith :: forall e1 e2 m a. MonadRunIOE e2 m => (e1 -> e2) -> UIO (Either e1 a) -> m a Source #
Convert UIO (Either e1 a)
to IOE e2 a
(or any other monad
with a MonadRunIOE
instance) with the given
transformation function.
Same as mapExceptionM f . fromUIO
, but more performant.
uioToIO :: (Exception e, MonadRunIO m) => UIO (Either e a) -> m a Source #
Convert UIO (Either e a)
action to IO a
(or any other monad
with a MonadRunIO
Same as liftE . fromUIO
, but more performant.
Exception handling
throw :: MonadRunIOE e m => e -> m a Source #
Throw the given exception.
throwTo :: (Exception e, MonadRunIOE e' m) => ThreadId -> e -> m () Source #
Throw the given exception as an asynchronous exception to the given thread.
throwImprecise :: Exception e => e -> a Source #
Throw an imprecise exception in a pure context.
Warning: Because the exception isn't tracked at the type level, this
should be reserved for unrecoverable errors that aren't expected to be
handled. Also, if this value is not evaluated before uncheckIOE
called, it'll remain wrapped in AnyException
catch :: forall e1 e2 a. (Exception e1, Exception e2) => IOE e1 a -> (e1 -> IOE e2 a) -> IOE e2 a Source #
Handle the exception tracked in IOE
if one is thrown.
catchAny :: forall e1 e2 a. (Exception e1, Exception e2) => IOE e1 a -> (AnyException e1 -> IOE e2 a) -> IOE e2 a Source #
try :: forall e1 e2 a. (Exception e1, Exception e2) => IOE e1 a -> IOE e2 (Either e1 a) Source #
Get an Either
containing either the result or the exception thrown.
mapExceptionM :: forall e1 e2 m1 m2 a. (MonadCatchIO e1 m1, MonadRunAsIOE e2 m2) => (e1 -> e2) -> m1 a -> m2 a Source #
liftE :: forall e m1 m2 a. (MonadCatchIO e m1, MonadRunAsIO m2) => m1 a -> m2 a Source #
Lift an exception to SomeSyncException
, useful for converting to IO
liftE = mapExceptionM SomeSyncException
foo :: String -> IOE MyException Int bar :: IO Int bar = liftE $ foo "hello world"
evaluate :: MonadRunIOE e m => a -> m a Source #
Cleanup (no recovery)
bracket :: Exception e => IOE e a -> (a -> IOE e b) -> (a -> IOE e c) -> IOE e c Source #
Allocate and clean up a resource safely.
Runs the clean up in an uninterruptible mask. For more information:
bracket_ :: Exception e => IOE e a -> IOE e b -> IOE e c -> IOE e c Source #
Same as bracket
, except without passing the result of the acquire action to the
release or run actions.
bracketOnError :: (Exception e, Exception e') => IOE e a -> (a -> IOE e' b) -> (a -> IOE e c) -> IOE e c Source #
Same as bracket
, but only perform the cleanup if an exception is thrown.
bracketOnError_ :: (Exception e, Exception e') => IOE e a -> IOE e' b -> IOE e c -> IOE e c Source #
Same as bracket_
, but only perform the cleanup if an exception is thrown.
finally :: Exception e => IOE e a -> IOE e b -> IOE e a Source #
A specialized variant of bracket
that just runs a computation afterward.
onException :: (Exception e, Exception e') => IOE e a -> IOE e' b -> IOE e a Source #
Like finally
, except only runs the cleanup if an exception occurs.
withException :: (Exception e, Exception e') => IOE e a -> (AnyException e -> IOE e' b) -> IOE e a Source #
Like onException
, except passing the exception to the cleanup function.
Unlike catchAny
, you don't need to worry about rethrowing async exceptions
because withException
always rethrows the exception after running the cleanup.
mask :: Exception e => ((forall e' a. Exception e' => IOE e' a -> IOE e' a) -> IOE e b) -> IOE e b Source #
Execute an IO action with asynchronous exceptions masked.
uninterruptibleMask :: Exception e => ((forall e' a. Exception e' => IOE e' a -> IOE e' a) -> IOE e b) -> IOE e b Source #
Like mask
, but the masked computation is not interruptible.
Warning: Use with great care, as a thread running with uninterruptibleMask
be unresponsive and unkillable if it blocks at all.
mask_ :: Exception e => IOE e a -> IOE e a Source #
Like mask
, but does not pass a restore
action to the argument.
uninterruptibleMask_ :: Exception e => IOE e a -> IOE e a Source #
Like uninterruptibleMask
, but does not pass a restore
action to the argument.
Lifted exception handling
class (MonadRunAsIOE e m, Exception e) => MonadCatchIO e m | m -> e where Source #
Minimal complete definition
catchM :: MonadRunAsIOE e' m' => m a -> (e -> m' a) -> m' a Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
+ MonadRunAsIOE
catchAnyM :: MonadRunAsIOE e' m' => m a -> (AnyException e -> m' a) -> m' a Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
+ MonadRunAsIOE
Exception e => MonadCatchIO e (IOE e) Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core Methods catchM :: MonadRunAsIOE e' m' => IOE e a -> (e -> m' a) -> m' a Source # catchAnyM :: MonadRunAsIOE e' m' => IOE e a -> (AnyException e -> m' a) -> m' a Source # |
tryM :: (MonadCatchIO e m1, MonadRunIOE e' m2) => m1 a -> m2 (Either e a) Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
+ MonadRunIOE
bracketM :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c) -> m c Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
bracketM_ :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> m b -> m c -> m c Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
bracketOnErrorM :: (MonadCatchIO e m, MonadCatchIO e' m') => m a -> (a -> m' b) -> (a -> m c) -> m c Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
bracketOnErrorM_ :: (MonadCatchIO e m, MonadCatchIO e' m') => m a -> m' b -> m c -> m c Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
finallyM :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> m b -> m a Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
onExceptionM :: (MonadCatchIO e m, MonadCatchIO e' m') => m a -> m' b -> m a Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
withExceptionM :: (MonadCatchIO e m, MonadCatchIO e' m') => m a -> (AnyException e -> m' b) -> m a Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
maskM :: MonadCatchIO e m => ((forall m' e' a. MonadCatchIO e' m' => m' a -> m' a) -> m b) -> m b Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
uninterruptibleMaskM :: MonadCatchIO e m => ((forall m' e' a. MonadCatchIO e' m' => m' a -> m' a) -> m b) -> m b Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
maskM_ :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> m a Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
uninterruptibleMaskM_ :: MonadCatchIO e m => m a -> m a Source #
generalized to any MonadCatchIO
Interop with unchecked IO
checkIO :: MonadRunIO m => UnsafeIO a -> m a Source #
Convert an unchecked IO action into a checked IO action.
checkIOWith :: MonadRunIOE e m => (SomeException -> e) -> UnsafeIO a -> m a Source #
Same as checkIO
except converting a synchronous exception with the given function.
Equivalent to mapExceptionM f . checkIO
, except more performant.
checkUIOWith :: MonadRunIOE e' m => (SomeException -> e) -> UnsafeIO a -> m (Either e a) Source #
Same as checkIOWith
except returning the exception as an Either
instead of
throwing it.
unsafeCheckIO :: (HasCallStack, MonadRunIOE e m) => UnsafeIO a -> m a Source #
Convert an unchecked IO action into a checked IO action that can throw the given exception type.
Warning: If the IO action threw a different synchronous exception,
this function will error. Prefer using checkIOWith
and calling error
yourself with a better error message.
unsafeCheckUIO :: (HasCallStack, MonadRunIOE e m) => UnsafeIO a -> m a Source #
Same as unsafeCheckIO
, except expects no exceptions to be thrown.
uncheckIOE :: forall e a. Exception e => IOE e a -> UnsafeIO a Source #
Unchecks an IOE
action back into the normal IO
Warning: Imprecise exceptions might be wrapped in AnyException
after converting to UnsafeIO
. See throwImprecise
for more details.
uncheckUIO :: UIO a -> UnsafeIO a Source #
specialized to UIO.
Exceptions in checked IO actions
data AnyException e Source #
All exceptions floating around IOE
or otherwise) will be an AnyException SomeException
Functor AnyException Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core Methods fmap :: (a -> b) -> AnyException a -> AnyException b # (<$) :: a -> AnyException b -> AnyException a # | |
Exception (AnyException SomeException) Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core Methods toException :: AnyException SomeException -> SomeException # fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe (AnyException SomeException) # | |
Show e => Show (AnyException e) Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core Methods showsPrec :: Int -> AnyException e -> ShowS # show :: AnyException e -> String # showList :: [AnyException e] -> ShowS # |
data SomeSyncException Source #
forall e.Exception e => SomeSyncException e |
Exception SomeSyncException Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core Methods toException :: SomeSyncException -> SomeException # | |
Show SomeSyncException Source # | |
Defined in CheckedIO.Core Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SomeSyncException -> ShowS # show :: SomeSyncException -> String # showList :: [SomeSyncException] -> ShowS # |